Friday, December 20, 2013



             (Agastya Marmani Group)
The word Marma comes from Sanskrit origin ‘mru’ or ‘marr’ .”MarayateIti Marmani”, the Sanskrit phrase means there is likelihood of death after infliction to these places hence are are called Marma .The word Marma sused with meanings as tender, secrete or vital places.There are certain anatomical locations in the body which are vital, and serve as small pockets of Prana, thus any injury to these parts can be painful and cripple the local functions or even lead to sudden death of the individual. They are junctions of different channels of Prana movements in the body.Prana is a vital energy ,Prana pervades each and every corner of the body, it nourishes ,guides and controls the functioning of the cell and systems. when these MARMA (junctions) are affected or ruptured ,the organs linked with Prana channels become starved with lack of Prana and some organ becomes diseased ,crippled or paralyzed or depending upon the quantum is of Prana being lost ,it may lead to slow or sudden death.This is similar with Chinese meridian concept in which the points appear either on signal meridian line or at meeting points of different meridian. The knowledge of MARMA has got wide implication in the many fields of medical practice, but as today its traditional practices are limited and scattered in India The knowledge of mama can be classified in following fields -In Martial art and welfare, in surgical importance, medical importance -in the management of disease and in the diagnosis of illness There are total 107 Marma in the body. In Tamilian traditions they are 108 Marma points, they called as VARMA and in kalari tradition hey are 365 Marma points. The total points 828.somebody know more than 900 vital points.  They are lot of classifications are there. - Charaka SamhitaPreventative aspect- Marma are very sensitive places a small injury or insult is always a possibility. Desirous of health one must avoid physical and mental over exertions. the in depletion of tissue metabolic substances ,with holding of natural impulses ,excessive consuming dry articles, excessive physical exertion and fasting ,these factors can disturb pranvaha srotas ( channels through Prana is flowing) and makes more vulnerability to disease. Towards positive health -Following are the guidelines to improve upon the health of the Marma Healthy daily regimen Oil massage and stimulating the Marma points, head massage, treatments in affected Marma like Nasya, Basti, Sneha pana internal oliation, soft Virechana, Shirodhara, Shiro Basti, external application with herbs. Different oils and substitutes like needle therapy.
chinese ACUPRESSURE ,japanese SHIATSU,PHYSIOTHERAPY these are all the comes from MARMA/VARMA treatment.last thousands of years in before christ MARMA/VARMA history also there.
"it is a more a medical science than an art and has all similarities to other modern medical science"

as per tamil varmakalai system establish 18 siddars: those are the

1. Sri Pathanjali Siddhar 
2. Sri Agasthiar Siddhar 
3. Sri Kamalamuni Siddhar 
4. Sri Thirumoolar Siddhar 
5. Sri Kuthambai Siddhar 
6. Sri Korakkar Siddhar 
7. Sri Thanvandri Siddhar 
8. Sri Sundaranandar Siddhar 
9. Sri Konganar Siddhar 
10. Sri Sattamuni Siddhar 
11. Sri Vanmeegar Siddhar 
12. Sri Ramadevar Siddhar 
13. Sri Nandeeswarar Siddhar 
14. Sri Edaikkadar Siddhar 
15. Sri Machamuni Siddhar 
16. Sri Karuvoorar Siddhar 
17. Sri Bogar Siddhar 
18. Sri Pambatti Siddhar.

this science is work of great siddhars only, devotees are eligible. This course is meant to teach all the vital points in the human body and to explain how to cure various illnesses, especially back problems and different neurological problems. Further more, the preparation of many marma medicines are part of this course. Consequently we are revealing all the marma secrets with the help of the marma course.
This is the best of sports medicine.

Here MARMA ART means malayalam/sanskrit terminology;
Here VARMAKALAI ART means tamil terminology and SIDDHA medicinal system;


in this course in ayurveda classical text books tells what ever, that is cover in this session.

This course to award as AYUR MARMANI

Eligibility: 20 to 50 years; graduation                  
 Time duration: 2 months                  
only course fee:  80,000 Indian rupees

Syllabus:        [ MAL ] -------  code
*History of Marma
*Basic Principles
*Ayurveda & Marma
*kalari & marma
*yoga & marma
*nadis & marma
*saptha dhathus
*Marma massage
*yoga nidra
*Marma healing technique
*Marma massage-indication & Contra indication
*Marma injury and Its Symptoms
*introduction of varma & Marma types
*marma mudras
*Different types of Marma treatments
*Foot massage-indication & contra indication
*107/110 Marma Points  (43 regions)
*Latheral points (martial arts view)
*therapeutical points (treatment view)
*Marma  treatment-without medicine
*adankkal  therpy
*Marma medicine Preperation
*Marma treatment for different health problem
*Breathing Exercise
*Pulse diagnosis
*Marma treatment in Spinal disease
*Marma treatment in Neurological Problems
*marma related to other therpies
*Mind reading technique
*Nadi Soothram
*Marma healing technique
*pressure techniquess
*Ponoozi  treatment(marma acupuncture)
*treatment related some of things
* basic of panchakarma


in this course from old devanagiri scriptures.Ancient time some gurukulas follow this olden days first this system spread to abroad from India.  

This course to award as SANATHAN MARMANI

: 20 to 50 years; graduation                  
 Time duration: 2 months                  
 only course fee:  90,000 Indian rupees

Syllabus:        [ AMA ] -------  code
*History of Marma
*Basic Principles
*Ayurveda & Marma
*kalari & marma
*yoga & marma
*nadis & marma
*saptha dhathus
*Marma massage
*yoga nidra
*Marma healing technique
*Marma massage-indication & Contra indication
*Marma injury and Its Symptoms
*introduction of varma & Marma types
*marma mudras
*Different types of Marma treatments
*Foot massage-indication & contra indication
*more than 68 Marma Points  (37 regions)
*Latheral points (martial arts view)
*therapeutical points (treatment view)
*Marma  treatment-without medicine
*adankkal  therpy
*Marma medicine Preperation
*Marma treatment for different health problem
*Breathing Exercise
*Pulse diagnosis
*Marma treatment in Spinal disease
*Marma treatment in Neurological Problems
*marma related to other therpies
*Mind reading technique
*Nadi Soothram
*Marma healing technique
*pressure techniquess
*Ponoozi  treatment(marma acupuncture)
*treatment related some of things
*JANYA KALA course



This course to award as DRAVIDIAN MARMANI

Eligibility: 20 to 50 years; graduation                  
 Time duration: 3 months                  
only course fee:  1,30,000 Indian rupees
Syllabus:        [ DMC ] -------  code

*History of Marma
*Basic Principles
*Ayurveda & Marma
*kalari & marma
*yoga & marma
*nadis & marma
*saptha dhathus
*Marma massage
*yoga nidra
*Marma healing technique
*Marma massage-indication & Contra indication
*Marma injury and Its Symptoms
*introduction of varma & Marma types
*marma mudras
*Different types of Marma treatments
*Foot massage-indication & contra indication
*more than100 Marma Points(bothsides of body morethan 190points) 
*Latheral points (martial arts view)
*therapeutical points (treatment view)
*Marma  treatment-without medicine
*adankkal  therpy
*Marma medicine Preperation
*Marma treatment for different health problem
*Breathing Exercise
*Pulse diagnosis
*Marma treatment in Spinal disease
*Marma treatment in Neurological Problems
*marma related to other therpies
*Mind reading technique
*Nadi Soothram
*Marma healing technique
*pressure techniques
*treatment related some of things
*Ponoozi  treatment(marma acupuncture)
*UMBRA - SELLIYA Treatment
*JANYA KALA course



chera kingdom people (present kerala area) it was also used mostly in martial arts base in olden this course we can reveal all that secrets.

This course to award as KULA MARMANI

Eligibility: 20 to 50 years; graduation                  
 Time duration: 1 month                  
 only course fee:  70,000 Indian rupees

Syllabus:        [ KMC ] -------  code
*History of Marma
*Basic Principles
*Ayurveda & Marma
*kalari & marma
*yoga & marma
*nadis & marma
*saptha dhathus
*Marma massage
*Marma healing technique
*Marma massage-indication & Contra indication
*Marma injury and Its Symptoms
*marma mudras
*Different types of Marma treatments
*Foot massage-indication & contra indication
*64 Marma Points  (37 regions)
*Latheral points (martial arts view)
*therapeutical points (treatment view)
*Marma  treatment-without medicine
*adankkal  therpy
*Marma medicine Preperation
*Marma treatment for different health problem
*Breathing Exercise
*Marma treatment in Spinal disease
*Marma treatment in Neurological Problems
*marma related to other therpies
*Nadi Soothram
*Marma healing technique
*pressure techniques
*treatment related some of things
*Ponoozi  treatment(marma acupuncture)
* basic of panchakarma


This course to award as VARMANI

Eligibility: 20 to 50 years; graduation                  
 Time duration: 2 months                 
 only course fee:  1,20,000 Indian rupees

Syllabus:        [ VAL ] -------  code
*History of Varma
*Basic Principles
*Ayurveda & Varma
*kalari & Varma
*yoga & Varma
*nadis & Varma
*saptha dhathus
*Varma massage
*yoga nidra
*Varma healing technique
*Varma massage-indication & Contra indication
*Varma injury and Its Symptoms
*Varma mudras
*Different types of Varma treatments
*Foot massage-indication & contra indication
*more than115 Varma Points (total both sides of body more than 170 points)
*Latheral points (martial arts view)
*therapeutical points (treatment view)
*Varma  treatment-without medicine
*adankkal  therpy
*Varma medicine Preperation
*Varma treatment for different health problem
*Breathing Exercise
*Pulse diagnosis
*Varma treatment in Spinal disease
*Varma treatment in Neurological Problems
*Varma related to other therpies
*Mind reading technique
*Nadi Soothram
*Varma healing technique
*some of treatment related things
*pressure techniquess
*Ponoozi  treatment(varma acupuncture)



This course to award as VARMA VAIDYAN

Eligibility: 20 to 50 years; graduation                  
 Time duration: 6 months & more                 
only course fee:  3, 50,000 Indian rupees

Syllabus:        [ VML ] -------  code
*History of varma
*Basic Principles
*Ayurveda,siddha &varma
*kalari &varma
*tantra &varma
*yoga &varma
*nadis &varma
*saptha dhathus
*varma massage
*yoga nidra
*varma massage-indication & Contra indication
*varma injury and Its Symptoms
*prana basic concept
*varma mudras
*Different types of varma treatments
*Foot massage-indication & contra indication
*more than 800 varma Points all over the body
*Latheral points (martial arts view)
*therapeutical points (treatment view)
*varma  treatment-with medicine
*special mantras
*adankkal  therpy
*varma medicine Preperation
*varma treatment-without touching
*basic bioplasmic energy & aura concepts
*Breathing Exercise
*Pulse diagnosis
*varma treatment in Spinal disease
*anatomy & physiology
*varma treatment for different health problem
*varma treatment in Neurological Problems
*varma related to other therpies
*Mind reading technique
*srichakra basic concept
*basic of anatomy & physiology
* heeling system
*Nadi Soothram
*varma healing technique
*some of treatment related things
*pressure techniquess
*Ponoozi  treatment(varma acupuncture)
*UMBRA - SELLIYA Treatment
 *AYURVEDA marma art - course
 *KULABYASA marma course
in this course we can reveal all varmakkalai secrets.


  1. Gracias, Thanks for the article

  2. This varma agasthya to bodhi dharma.bodhi dharma was called 2nd budha. He teach this marma to chaina .you can get the marma treatment for all the cronic problems like autism.muscular distropia.pyralisis.&many more .

  3. The Catholic God (the Christian God) ... is the only *one* among all the other "gods" ... Who tells the FUTURE.
    It is only the Catholic faith ... which is not … a man-made fable.
    The Catholic Church has no physical properties or personnel hierarchy in these times …
    refer to >
    Everything for how to get to Heaven in the single way prescribed by God >
    - - - - - The Catholic God telling the future - - - - -
    Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Proverbs 30:4 >
    "Who hath ascended up into Heaven, and descended? What is the name of His Son, if thou knowest?"
    Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Sophonius 3:8 >
    "Expect Me, saith the Lord, in the day of My resurrection that is to come ... to gather the kingdoms."
    Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Daniel 9:26 >
    "Christ shall be slain: and the people that shall deny Him shall not be His."  Etc, etc. > More on Section 2.3

  4. Now so called Chinese needle therapy is no acupressure. It is acupuncture. But this existed in India known to siddhars long back before the chinese knew it. Siddhars used silver or golden needles, hence the name ponoosi. But to learn for students was costly, n the knowledge kept as a secret declined or totally became extint. Now the chinese claims they are the masters of it. The siddhars like bodhidharma, bhogar, kalanginathar all taught n helped to translate all indian knowledge to chinese. Chinese pipgrim huan sang took away 650 books from ancient nalanda university n translated it in chinese n presented it to chinese emperor and got many gifts from him. India is so rich. All books of India stolen away by british, germans, americans, porteguse, dutch n now all learning about India. The vimana sastra existed 10000 years before wright brothers found the aeroplane. There us nothing like our incredible India.
